Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing #6

I added two additional educational blogs to my reader. One that interested me was about paper does not control me. We hear about industries going paperless, but we will never be able to go totally paperless in central office due to having to keep so much documentation in education. However, we are trying to reduce the amount of paper as much as possible by scanning and archiving.

Since I love gardening, I really enjoyed searching for these websites and found a good one, Texas Gardens & Gardening, which is a wealth of information. One of my favorite things about these blogs is that you can hear from someone who actually tried the gardening techniques and how successful they were. It can save you from trying something that doesn't really work.

I really enjoy reading everyone else's blog, but am so hesitant to comment. I have heard this same reaction from many others, so I suppose it is a common feeling. I would rather be in the group and listen to everyone else!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the paper post you linked to! Thanks for sharing it.
