Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thing #12

I looked at Gliffy because we sometimes create flow charts in our office. This tool creates really professional looking and stream-lined charts and I am sure our admimistrators would like that.

Another tool I explored was JigZone because it looked fun. I love doing puzzles and having them made from family photos would be great gifts!

I set up Writeboard and I think I would use this on a regular basis. As many interruptions as we have in our office, it would be great to have something that you could close out and go back to, no matter if you were away from your office computer, and have all your thoughts still there. Also, to share and brainstorm with others even after-hours.

I went to the 23 Things wiki and was not able to enter my ideas. I looked for an option to add, but did not see anything like that to use. I seem to be missing something.


  1. You have to request membership in order to be able to add your page to our wiki. Have you done that yet?

  2. Yes, I joined. I will go back and try again. Thanks.
