Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thing #22

This exercise was the easiest one for me so far, because I set up a Facebook account a few months ago. My friends kept trying to talk me into it and saying how much fun it is to be in touch with everyone, so I set up the account but didn't do anything to it. It was like a blank slate and needed some attention. So I went to work on it, added a few pictures, confirmed a few friend requests and it's starting to come to life. I have to be perfectly honest, though, and say I'm just not that into it. I love to hear from my friends, but I don't have any desire to share every detail of my life or post what I am thinking or what my mood is at any given time. I'm like a dinosaur I guess, if I want to talk to someone I would just rather pick up the phone! It really is fun, though, to see someone pop up that you went to school with and be able to catch up! Visit me on Facebook.

I'm really glad to be learning about social networking and how it works. Especially if you are in the classroom because all the kids are doing it. It's going on all around you so you need to be in the loop.

1 comment:

  1. facebook really is a lot of fun when you get into it. I sent you a friend request, so don't forget to check your account and add me! :-)
